Thursday, June 23, 2011

It's boots and chaps, It's cowboy hats, It's spurs and latigo, It's the ropes, and the reins, and the joy, and the pain, and they call the thing RODEO!

Last weekend it was the 
Strawberry Days Rodeo. 

My mother tells me I have been to a lot of Rodeo's.. 
[which is believable]
but I can't remember... 
so we are going to call this my first Rodeo. :]]
I went with a ton of friends...
but only got a couple pictures... 

 This is Shelby Durrant. :]] 

 This is Kimber Adamson.
 This is Whitney Meine.
 This is Amy Johnson.

yes, I would have gotten more... 
but Kimber and I here were really distracted on trying to find us some yummy cowboys...
I could see very few attractive ones....
that were single at least...
no... all together not very many... 

but its still all good... 
I will find myself a man sooner or later. :]] 
bahhaa :]]
hopefully that is. :]]

I had so much fun at the Rodeo. :]] 

cheers to the freakin weekend.

Jessie Lyn.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I want to wake up in the city that doesn't sleep... New York, New York

so.. I was in New York this past week.
and I just gotta sayy.. 


I want to move there. 
except I think I would get lost on all the subways...
and they were very dirtyy.. 
and stinky.. 

let me tell ya... 
New York has some VERY funky smells. ;]

we were on the redeye flight to New York on Friday night..
and me being me... 
I can't sleep in cars... 
or on airplanes.. 
or anything else... 
so I didn't sleep the whole way there. 
we arrive in New York at about five thityy in the AM...
get to our hotel 
[[Millenium Broadway Hotel right in Times Square]]

at about six in the AM...
our check in wasn't until four... 
so we decided to go out. 
The first thing we did was 

Central Park. 

and if you don't know how big Central Park is...
well.. It's HUGE.
I think about 7 miles long... and 2 miles wide... 
yeahh. BIG!
Anywayy.. we went to Strawberry Fields.

and if you don't know what that is...
well dare to listen to The Beatles...
We were walking through Strawberry Fields and we came across this...

this is here so we remember John Lennon.
and his song Imagine.
[[I think...]]
It's a great song. :]]
I was half asleep on this dayy so everything is a blurr...
but if I wasn't half asleep... 
then I would have heard all of the tour guides telling their groups 
the story about it as they passed by it... 
while my family and I sat there and people watched for about... 
an hour or more... 
we were so dead that first dayyy.

this is where John Lennon lived...
and he was also shot in this building...
but yes... a blurr of a dayy...

so the next day was 
we went to a Yankees game. :] 

Yankees vs. Indians

and yes, 
and yes, they won. :]]

this is a picture in Times Square...
On Monday 
we went to

David Letterman.

we were really hoping Ryan Reynolds would be on our episode recording...

because look at him... 
I mean, He's a FREAKING BABE!
and I love him with all of my heart.
but, nope... 
he was on Tuesday nights episode... 
we got this boring admiral guy...

Mike Mullen...

but heyy, it was free... 
next, we went to go see the 

temple! :]]

it was so interesting... 
it's a church... 
the distribution center...
and a temple... 
all in one... :]] 
I'm pretty sure there was something else that was there...
I just can't remember...
but it was cool. :]]

then we went to Ladder 10. 
The Fire Department that helped with 9-11.

and we saw the new World Trade Center being built...

This may not look very tall.. 
but at this point.. 
it is very tall... 
and they still have to put another one of those on top.. 
they are going to be HUGE!

now the Statue of Liberty.

we didn't get to go up it because 
all the times we could have gone they were sold out... 
so this is the closest we got... :[[

 It was so pretty...

This is New Jersey... :]]
That night we walked across the Brooklyn Bridge.

my camera doesn't work so great... 
but hopefully you can just imagine how pretty! 

This is my sister Lyndsey, me, and my mother. :]] 
We walked down to this AMAZING pizza place afterwords called...

Grimaldi's Pizzeria.
This was probably the best pizza I have ever had. 
There is always a line out the door to get in. 
Thats how good it is. :]]

On Tuesday 
we went and entered the lottery to try and win Wicked tickets..
yeah, no luck. :[[ 
so that night we went to another Yankees game! :]]

Yankees vs. Rangers

it was great fun. :]
well because 

1. I love baseball...
2. I love baseball players...

need I say more?
I think not. :]]

and yes, 
in case you were wondering... 
they won! :]]

our last day. :[[ 
very sad. 
we went to enter the lottery for Wicked Tickets again.
and this time... My fathers name got called! :]]
we won 2 tickets to 


 The day before we had bought 2 tickets 
just in case we didn't win the lottery. 
so now we have 4 tickets...
there are 6 of us...
oh no... who's going to go??
well me of course... 
since this was my trip to begin with...
and I'm the one who wanted to see it the most in the first place...
and Kenny, because he bought his ticket... :]]
so now how do we decide who else gets the last 2 tickets?
my parents are so kind and told my brother Steven, and my sister Lyndsey that they can go. :]]
so I am freaking out because I'm so excited! 
I've wanted to see this for so long! :]]
and welll... 
is was the BEST musical EVER!
like I don't even have any words for it....
I loved it with all my heart! :]]
and I am going to see it again when it comes to Salt Lake next summer. :]

After Wicked get over, we have to rush to get to the airport. 
sadly, the awesome trip to New York has ended... :[[

I'm determined. 

back in boring ol' Utah... 
[[smells a whole lot better... but super boring...]]

cheers to the freakin weekend.

Jessie Lyn.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Hurrr Cuttt.

 I got all my hairs cut... 


okayy well.. 
you can't exactlyyy see the ends... 
because it was so long...
it was to my belly button before I cut it...
and well noww... 

[[lets just sayy its a big difference for me... its real short...]]


so maybe it doesn't look that short...
but believe me...
its REALLY short.

[[at least eight inches off?]] 

and I wouldn't be surprised if it was even more than that... 
its a big change. 

I don't know if I like it yett.. 

but it all be good. :]]
I'll get used to it sooner or laterr. :]]



[[yes, I will be here.]]

[[the day has finally come]]

I have been waiting for the longest time!
and now it is finally here!

I'm so stoked! :]] 

cheers to the freakin' weekend.

Jessie Lyn.

Monday, June 6, 2011

GRADUATION! part 2. and don't forget the senior all nighter. :]]

alright, so...
after my cousins got here I got ready for the graduation ceremonyy...
and my mother made me take some pictures in my cap and gown before we left...

so these are some pictures in my front yard.. 

[[for some reason one side of 
my hair looks longer than the other side...]]
[it's buggin'... but all is well]

we had to go to the Marriott Center at BYU on the East side...
and me being me... I had no idea where that was...
so I was freakin out a little because I was already late.. 
so then I decided to use my common sense... 
and follow the crowd of girlss. 
[[usually people say don't follow the crowd, in this case... it was a brilliant idea.]]
soon enough I found where I was going and I met up with Beka and Annie. :]]

yay! Don't we all just look swell?
okayy, so then graduation begins! :]] 
then a long 2 hours later...
IT ENDS!! :]] 
I am officially a big kid. 
no more "hikeschool"

It is kind of upsetting I didn't get any pictures after the ceremony... 
well I did get 2. :]]

one... my dear friend Jasmine.:]]

and two... my friend Ciera. :]]

this was a great dayy! :]] 
I love you all Senior Class of 2011! :]]

now... on to that night. 
it was the 

first they had a limo... and we took pictures.
[I didn't understand whyy... but I just went with it!]

I spent most of the night with Jasmine and Shannon. 
not only because I love them to death! 
and they made my whole day better!!
but also a slight reasoning of not wanting to be the fifth wheel 
on my last night at Mountain View High School. 

[[which I definitely was and would have been if I stayed all night with 
Beka, JT, Annie, and Jon all night long.]]

[[no offense to them, 
I mean I love them all with my whole heart... 
and hopefully they know it...
but they know that its true too...]]

I had a ton of fun with Jasmine and Shannon! 
they made my night! :]]

one of the activities they had there was the SUMO WRESTLING MEN... 
yes, this was quite eventful! :]]

Jasmine vs. Shannon

I have no idea who won.. 
but it was hilarious to watch! :]]
next it was 

Me vs. Chelsea

okay... and I must let you knoww.. at this point it was about three in the A.M. :]] 
CRAZY things happen at this time of the morning.. :]] 

this is a video of chelsea and I wrestling.. it is quite funny! :]]
[if I do say so myself...]]

Later that night... 
well I guess morning.. 
maybe four thirty to six in the A.M.
we had a hypnotist come... 
it was freaking hilarious! :]] 
sadly I didn't get any videos... 
on the upside I got pictures! :]]
downside of that... 
not very good qualityyy... :]] 
but all is well! :]]

oh! oh! just kidding!!
I did take one video. 
This is when he made my dear friend Jon forget his name. :]] 
its great. :]] 

I had so much fun at the all nighter! :]] 
thank you Jasmine, Shannon, and Kirstie! :]]


cheers to the freakin weekend.